You want to transfer that file to your PC. New Nintendo 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS XL, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo 2DS. For example: Old ROMs name is ShinyGold.gba, so is the save file. This means that you will have to use save points within the game. But what I need to transfer was the actual in game save. Afterwards, save the changes that you have input. Once u had done that go to the GTS and u will get the pokemon u made. This would seem to move the save from the cartridge to the digital version, not copy. Use the D-Pad to navigate to the save file you want to load onto your game and press A to start the transfer.
Oportunitati de finantare – acvacultura!.
Lista codurilor CAEN eligibile – POR – 2.1a Microintreprinderi. Finantare microrintreprinderi urban – 200.000 euro, 90% finantare. Calendar 2017 – Programul Operational Competitivitate. Oportunitati de finantare pentru IMM-uri!. Accesarea fondurilor europene – dezvoltare rurala, august 2016. Investitii in activitati non-agricole – rural, 200.000 euro Investitii in activitati non-agricole – rural, 70.000 euro Sprijin pentru instalarea tinerilor fermieri 4.2a Investitii în procesare – sectorul pomicol. Investitii in procesarea produselor agricole 4.1.a Investitii in exploatatii pomicole. 4.1 – Investitii in exploatatii agricole. Sprijin financiar pentru IMM-uri (relansare 2019)